About The Speaker

Franziska Heller
Franziska Heller is Professor of Audiovisual Media and Digital Cultures at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. After many years of application-oriented research and teaching at the University of Zurich, she was a Fellow at the Cinepoetics Research College at the FU Berlin in 2019-2021 and a FONTE Visiting Professor at the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF in Potsdam. Most recent monograph: Update! Film and Media History in the Age of Digital Reproducibility. Published in 2020 by Brill/Wilhelm Fink in print and open access. She is also the author of Filmästhetik des Fluiden. Currents of Narrative from Vigo to Tarkovsky, from Huston to Cameron (Wilhelm Fink 2010) and Alfred Hitchcock. Introduction to his films and film aesthetics (Wilhelm Fink 2015).