Information according to Section 5 of the Telemedia Act (TMG):
International Academy of Media and Arts Halle e.V.
Mailing address:
Mansfelder Straße 56
06108 Halle (Saale), Germany
International Academy of Media and Arts Halle e.V.
Mansfelder Straße 56
06108 Halle (Saale), Germany
Phone: +49 345 77784458
Contact persons:
Annegret Renner
Project Coordination / Project Management
Phone: +49 345 77784458
Christiane Blobel
Project Management
Phone: +49 345 77784458
Represented by:
Chairperson: Alexander Thies (NFP media rights GmbH & Co.KG)
Deputy Chairperson: Verena Schneider (Medienanstalt Sachsen-Anhalt)
Deputy Chairperson: Burkard Fieber (RME Rights Management Entertainment GmbH)
Date of registration:
Stendal District Court
VAT identification number
Copyright notices:
International Academy of Media and Arts Halle e.V.
Responsible for journalistic-editorial content:
International Academy of Media and Arts Halle e.V.
The legal notice was created using activeMind AG’s legal notice generator.
Some of the links on this website lead to external websites. The International Academy of Media and Arts e.V. is not responsible for the content of these external websites. Should the contents of these linked sites prove to be illegal, we will delete the references to these sites immediately after becoming aware of the illegality. References to other sites and the mentioning of protected brand names do not constitute an infringement of trademark law. Furthermore, the operator assumes no liability for the timeliness, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided.
Editors: Annegret Renner, Christiane Blobel
Design concept: Triagonale and Susanne Hagendorf
Website implementation: Triagonale
Website content management: Rebekka Hörnig
Copyright: The images/photos used are protected by copyright. All rights are held by the respective originator.
Photo credits: Joachim Blobel, Jessen Mordlust, Anne Hornemann